The BGS (Busy Great Scientists!)

Years 4, 5, and 6 visited the British Geological Society for The Rock Festival- it was a BIG HIT!
What a wonderful morning was spend at the BSG in Keyworth, where we were assisted through a variety of hands-on science experiments by experts in soil, rocks and fossils. We learned how to sift and centrifuge soil samples, create an earthquake and lift a fossilised mammoth leg bone! Our children took part in a Geological shopping spree and found out which materials are in our everyday items- from cat litter to talc. The sessions were informative and fun, with all activities being led by adults who were clearly passionate and enthusiastic about Science. Going to the BGS was a super opportunity for all the KPNS children and has added to the splendour of Science Week.
Please click here to take a look at the photos and get an idea of the things our budding scientists got up to.