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Red Nose Day 2017

In preparation for next weeks Red Nose Day The children have been learning the official song for schools.

If you hear them shouting 'Put a nose on it!' they have obviously got the tune into their heads. Take a look at the video below to get a sneak preview of the song. For all of those year six children who volunteered to be the rap stars - get learning your words!



On the day (Friday 24th March) We are inviting all children to wear non-uniform and to make a donation of £1.  After school we will have a cake sale, so please get baking! Any cakes should be brought to the hall on the morning of Friday 24th so that they can be collected, ready for the sale at the end of the school day. Any helpers for this would be much appreciated.

As it is also  a 'do something funny' day we are inviting the children to put on a talent show. They will perform within their classes and choose three acts to go through to the main talent show in the afternoon.