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Harvest Festival!

Harvest Festival celebrates the time of year when crops have been gathered from the field and people can reflect and show gratitude for the food that they have. It dates back a long time in British history, to when people relied on crops for food and farmers would give thanks for a good harvest. At school we learn about harvest time, and collect food for those in need in our local community. Every year we hold a special assembly, or collect food parcels to give out.

The festival is usually celebrated on the Sunday nearest to the Harvest Moon. - this year's is on 1 October.

You are invited to join us for our Harvest Festival on Friday 6th October at 9am in the school hall. All welcome!

Please bring any donations of tins, packet foods, shampoo, soap or toothbrushes to school on Friday morning. Send them in with the children into their classrooms please. 

These will then be delivered by some of the children to the Keyworth Community Food Bank who work hard to support our local community.