Safer Internet Week Day

This week, children and teachers will be thinking about esafety, especially safe use of the internet, as part of the national ‘Safer Internet Day 2024’.
We know that internet can be a source of wonder, joy and useful information. Very sadly, we also know that some children can be exposed to very harmful content on the internet, as well as meeting people who use the internet to groom and harm children.
Please use the information below to ensure you have all the information you need to help keep your child safe:
- Tips, advice, guides and resources to help keep your child safe online when they are using a range of different internet connected devices. – access the ‘’ website using this link.
- Read the ‘Top Tips’ below for parents and children.
- Share the ‘Digital Leaders’ magazines below, written by pupils across ‘Equals Trust’ for children in Years 3,4,5 and 6.
- Talk to your child about what has been discussed in class and assemblies this week.