Time Travelling at the Church
Yesterday the Key Stage 1 classes took a short walk to the church but a giant leap back in time.
The kind congregation of our local church welcomed us in and taught the children all about Easter and how special Jesus is to a lot of people. The children created their own 'Giant Parade' and made lots of noise outside to announce the arrival of the new King. They had a quieter moment to think about what we pray for. We made flowers to signify Jesus being born again and we talked about how Jesus washed the feet of his followers to show that he was not too important to do something as simple as that. We also discussed the Last Supper and how he broke bread and drank wine.
It was a fantastic afternoon and the children sang two songs with gusto!
Many thanks to the church for all of their effort and organisation. A big thank you to all of the children too! They made all of the adults from KPNS very proud of the way they participated in this fantastic event.
On Friday afternoon the church are opening their doors to have a 'Messy Easter' and they certainly offer a warm welcome.
Click here to take a look at just a few of the photos from our busy afternoon.