Dragon's roar Newsletter
What a Fantastic Half Term...
We've had a great half-term here at KPNS! The children have responded really well to the new staff team and are working super-hard! Please continue to support the school and your children's progress by reading regularly at home, using our maths apps and keeping up to date with what is happening in school. Don't forget to sign up for our regular blogs CLICK HERE to subscribe.
Winter is Coming...
Playtimes are getting cold...Named hats, gloves, scarves and coats please!
Reading Lair:
Thank you to all the parents and children who have been attending Blaze’s Reading Lair this half term. It has been super busy, and we can’t wait to see you all in November.
Booster Seats:
We are looking for 2 or 3 booster seats to keep in school for when we are transporting our younger children. If you have one which you no longer require, please pop it into the school office. Thank you!
As a school we understand the importance of good communication and we work really hard to make sure that all our parents get key information in a timely fashion via the website, email and text system, Dragon’s Roar News, information evenings and through half-termly class letters. Recently, several of our key information evenings have been poorly attended resulting in big events such as residentials becoming very difficult to organise. If we hold an information evening it is because there is a lot of information to be covered and we anticipate there will be questions from parents. Therefore, attendance at such meetings is important. We appreciate your support with this.
A Note from Mr Davenport:
We are currently missing various items of school kit. Please hunt at home for football socks, red KPNS t-shirts, football kits, borrowed shin pads etc and send them in after half term. Also, we are spending a lot of time chasing children for permission slips which are often coming in last minute. Please endeavour to get them signed and back asap so that teams and transport to events can be organised.
Children in Need:
Friday 16th of November is Children in Need and a family assembly at 3pm. This year, as a school, we will not be participating in Children in Need. Instead we have decided to raise money for the ward which is looking after our Caleb in Year 4. We will communicate with more information after half term.
Hall of Fame:
Naomi won 4 medals at her gymnastics competition last weekend! Wow!
Please contact the school office, preferably by email marked ‘Hall of Fame’, if you would like to share the achievements of your children with the rest of the school community. We love to hear about what they have been doing outside of school!
Dates for the Diary:
Monday 12th November- Parents’ Evening for all children (letters have been sent out to make an appointment).
Wednesday 7th November- FoKPNS Game Night (Limited places)
Friday 16th November- Ward 40 Fundraiser and Family Assembly at 3PM.
Saturday 1st December- Choir Siniging at 3pm for Village Light Switch on.
Friday 7th December- Whole School Trip to the Panto
Friday 14th December- Whole School Xmas Jumper Day and School Christmas Fair (3-6pm)
Tuesday 18th December- School Christmas Performance (9:30am)
Wednesday 19th December- School Christmas Performance afternoon (2pm) and evening (7pm).