We hope that you have all had a good start to 2019! The children are already busy with learning new things! Please take a look at our blogs to see what’s been happening!
You may remember that we are having a focus on attendance at the moment, specifically unauthorised attendance and persistent absence (below 90%). Please take a look at the following link where there is the criteria for ‘exceptional circumstances’ when requesting time off school. https://www.keyworth.notts.sch.uk/attachments/download.asp?file=40&type=pdf - ask if you have any questions about it. Please remember, the law states that you do not have the right to take your child out of school for holidays during term time. There is a huge amount of research that shows a positive link between good attendance and children achieving their potential. Poor attendance has a serious impact on education and reduces a child's life chances.
Please can you remind your children that they shouldn’t be using their scooter or bike once they arrive on the school premises. There have been a few near misses recently! Also, please remember that we have the bike racks where scooters and bikes should be kept until the end of the school day. The school gates are locked between 9:15am and 3:00pm so, although we can’t take responsibility for them, they are as safe as they can be.
Friends of KPNS
Thank you to the Friends for organising such a wonderful Christmas Fair; what a lovely way to get in to the Christmas spirit! Thanks to all who were able to attend or supported in a different way. We’re pleased to let you know that it raised £874 for the school.
Children are well on their way to achieving their silver award. It has also been fantastic to see so many more children attend the Reading Lair in the morning before school starts.
Supporting your child’s learning
Windmills Childcare
- Click here for more information about our pre-school, breakfast & afterschool club and holiday club. Pop in if you have any feedback! You can email the team at Windmills using admin@windmillschildcare.com
Click here for regular updates that will help you keep your children safe. Keep your eyes peeled
- Don’t forget to look at our class blogs to find out about what’s been happening in school! Click Here
Friends’ Events
Tuesday 5th February, Chinese New Year, 3:30pm – 5:30pm
Friday 1st March – Book Day Party, 3:30pm – 5:00pm
Tuesday 28th March – Mothers’ Day Crafts, 3:30pm – 5:30pm
Thursday 13th June – Fathers’ Day Crafts, 3:30pm – 5:30pm
Saturday 22nd June – Summer Fair, 12:00 – 2:00pm
Other School Events
Week beginning 11th February, MENCAP week (more information to follow)
Book Day
Our KPNS Book Day will be on Friday 1st March so please get thinking about your child’s costume! The Book People will also have a stall after school during this week for you to purchase books. We will also have an author visiting us that week. Further information to follow.
Hall of Fame
Please contact the school office, preferably by email marked ‘Hall of Fame’, if you would like to share the achievements of your children with the rest of the school community. We love to hear about what they have been doing outside of school.
Don’t forget to check the school diary for upcoming events across the year – Click Here