Dragon's Roar- MArch
The signs of Spring are finally upon us; lighter evenings, the appearance of daffodils and Easter is just around the corner! Here at KPNS we have had another wonderful term where we have watched your children gain in confidence, challenge themselves in lessons and grow as learners.
We would also like to say a huge ‘welcome’ to all the children and families who have joined us since Christmas and we hope that you enjoy your time here at KPNS.
A Cracking Competition…
A long standing KPNS tradition has been our egg decorating competition. Please keep an eye out for leaflets coming out in book bags this week. Judging day is Friday 5th of April and the winners will be announced in our Family Assembly at 3pm so please come along and join us.
Year 6 Residential to Beaumanor Hall:
Thank you to all those who attended the residential meeting a couple of weeks ago. For those of you who couldn’t make it, we have put a copy of the PowerPoint (including a recommended kit list) on the school website under Mrs McCue’s Blog. We would also like to remind parents that, to enable us to plan fully for the trip, we need to have received at least the deposit. Please ensure that you have paid this for your child on School Money or contact the School Office with any questions.
For children who are not attending residential but would like a leavers’ hoodie, please make the payment of £12.50 to the school office as soon as possible so we can get them ordered. Many thanks,
Lovely Lunches!
Thinking of healthy and exciting packed lunch fillings can be a daily challenge but it is important that we offer our children well-balanced choices to keep them healthy now, but also to promote lifelong healthy eating.
According to NHS choices a balanced lunchbox should contain:
· Starchy foods like bread, rice, potatoes or pasta
· Protein foods like meat, fish, eggs or beans
· A dairy item, like cheese or yogurt
· Vegetables or salad and a portion of fruit
A reminder that in school we do not allow fizzy drinks, sweets or chocolate in lunch boxes and all children should be coming to school with water in their water bottles.
For some simple, fast and scrumptious ideas to bring new life to the dreaded lunchbox check out this link: https://www.bbcgoodfood.com/howto/guide/school-packed-lunch-inspiration
Note from the Office
Please make sure that all payments are up to date on school money and that any outstanding payments are cleared by the 5th of April. Thank you.
Before half term Hannah from Mencap came to talk to us about learning disabilities such as autism. To help raise awareness of autism we had a fantastic week learning that, although each one of us is an individual, together we can create something special. Inspired by autistic artist, Stephen Wiltshire, each child and adult in our school took a small piece of one of Stephen’s sketches to recreate and we created a wonderful whole-school piece of art, which can be seen in our school entrance hall. We put a small collection tin next to our artwork and from this, we raised £16 to support MENCAP.
Lost Property:
We have accumulated a pile of UNNAMED lost property. On Friday the 29th of March we will be putting it out in the band stand at the end of the school day to be claimed. Any items left over will be donated to the clothes bank. Please remember to clearly name all school uniform so that it can be returned to the correct owner.
Dates for your Diary:
Tuesday 26th March- Class Photos
Thursday 28th March- Friends of KPNS Mothers’ Day Event
Friday 5th April- Family Assembly (3pm)
13th- 16th May- Y6 SATs Week
17th May- Friends of KPNS KS2 Games Night and SATs Celebration
5th-7th June- Y6 Residential
13th June- Friends of KPNS Fathers’ Day Event
20th June- MAT Concert at Albert Hall for School Choir.
22nd June- KPNS Summer Fair
24th June – Sports’ Day
1st and 2nd July- Y6 Transition Days to South Wolds
17th July- End of Year Performance (EVENING)
19th July- Leavers’ Assembly
See below how pupil attendance impacts future outcomes in further education.