Parking and Road Safety Consultation

Please see details below of a consultation we have initiated aimed at supporting our ongoing efforts to improve road safety around our school. Look out for Cassandra and Thea, wearing high-vis jackets, who will be around school over the next two weeks to gather your views on the matter.
Our online survey can be accessed here
Parking and Road Safety Consultation
1.Who we are
Rural Community Action Nottingham (RCAN). RCAN is a registered charity that works all over Nottinghamshire to support communities by promoting positive community engagement and social action to address local issues.
1.2Why are we here
At RCAN, we are currently trialing a research consultancy service. Our director, Alex Raynor, has put us in contact with the schools. After learning about issues with parking and child safety at peak times from Peter Cresswell, the executive headteacher at the schools, we have decided to conduct a questionnaire with parents, residents and school leaders/onsite staff about these issues.
1.3What do we want to ask you and how?
We want to ask you about your experience of driving and parking in the school area and what implications this has for the safety of children. We will not be asking you for any personal information and any data you provide will be kept strictly confidential within GDPR guidelines.
We are going to produce a survey which will be distributed online, via the school for you to fill in. You do not have to answer any questions you do not want too.
We will be out and around the school area in high ‘vis’ jackets at pick up and drop off times if you would rather fill in the survey with one of us or if you have any additional comments you want us to note down
If you want any more information about the project, research process or how we will use your data, please get in touch:
Cassandra Lovelock –
Thea Harland –
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