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Personal Development:PHSE/RSE

At KPNS, we strongly believe that Personal Social Health & Economic Education (PSHE) & Relationships Sex Education (RSE) is at the very heart of everything we do. Our PSHE/RSE curriculum profoundly focusses on encouraging and supporting each individual to flourish and fulfil their academic potential within a safe and nurturing environment. We pride ourselves in building a learning culture which centres a holistic approach for equipping all our pupils with the knowledge and attributes they need to keep themselves healthy, happy and safe and to prepare them for the next stage of education and beyond, working in modern Britain.

Designed as a whole-school approach, we use Jigsaw to teach our PSHE and RSE Curriculum. The Jigsaw resources establishes a consistency that gives all teachers confidence to deliver high-quality lessons. Not only does Jigsaw meet all statutory RSHE requirements, but it also elevates educational outcomes together with mental health and safeguarding. 

Jigsaw nurtures children to be confident and successful, increasing their capacity to learn and prepares them for the challenges of the modern world. Developed by teachers and well-being experts, Jigsaw provides children with opportunities to develop their emotional intelligence and life skills

Here at KPNS, we endeavour to provide a curriculum that has a strong emphasis on emotional literacy, building resilience and nurturing mental and physical health. Our vision aims to enable pupils at Keyworth to become emotionally aware individuals, understand their value and recognise their values and contribution to our school and within the community. We believe all pupils at KPNS should:

  • Be positively encouraged to feel inquisitive and ask questions
  • Feel supported, and be aspirational to be the best they can be to work towards their dreams and goals for the future and understand what is required of them to achieve these
  • Understand their rights and responsibilities as well as expectations of themselves in order to contribute positively to society and become well-rounded individuals
  • Attain a sound understanding of life choices and risks as a way to make safe and informed decisions in the future.

PSHE & RSE are taught through specific subject lessons which build and revisit knowledge as the children progress through school.

RSE is taught each year under the topic 'Changing Me' and teachers consult with parents ahead of this to ensure that they are aware of curriculum content their children will encounter and can ask any questions.  RSE curriculums per year group are all added below, please feel free to contact us about this at any point.

Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)

Our Curriculum Overview, found below, outlines the comprehensive coverage of PSHE across Key Stages 1 and 2, in accordance with the national curriculum and beyond. The overview also includes relevant details about EYFS. In addition, our EYFS curriculum identifies specific vocabulary, knowledge, and understanding to equip children for PSHE at Key Stage 1. Detailed information can be found in our EYFS planning documentation, accessible on the dedicated EYFS curriculum page of this website.

Anti Racist Education Programme (AREP)

In the 2024-2025 academic year, we are integrating the Anti-Racism Education Program (AREP) into our PSHE curriculum. This initiative aims to ensure that all children engage in lessons that build knowledge and skills to help them understand racism and actively support them in becoming anti-racist. Below is an overview of the curriculum that should be fully integrated by July 2025.

Curriculum Documentation

See the 'KPNS PSHE & RSE Curriculum' document below for:

  • Page 2: PSHE & RSE Aims
  • Pages 4-5: Jigsaw curriculum
  • Page 7: PSHE overview
  • Pages 8-10: Wider Provision and Enrichment opportunities
  • Pages 11-13 : British Values
  • Page 17: PSHE and RSE Overview
  • Page 18-24: PSHE & RSE Progression of skills
  • Page 24-26: NC coverage