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At KPNS, Science is about developing the children’s sense of enquiry and extending their knowledge and understanding of the world around them. We use a range of teaching methods in science lessons, with an emphasis on providing a curriculum which develops and extends the children’s scientific concepts and enables them to be curious about the world. The children learn to work as scientists, asking scientific questions, using precise scientific vocabulary and planning and undertaking practical investigations. Science is taught through specific subject lessons and cross curricular topics. Wherever possible, links are made between science and other subjects, particularly literacy, maths, DT and ICT.  

At KPNS, we aim to: 

  • to develop pupils’ enjoyment and interest in science and an appreciation of its contribution to all aspects of everyday life (science fair, topic driven science)
  • to build on pupils’ curiosity and sense of awe of the natural world to deliver engaging and effective science lessons
  • to link science with other curriculum areas to fully maximise learning opportunities and promote mastery (linked with English & VIPERS when the topic driver)
  • to develop a solid knowledge of the science contained within the programmes of study of the National Curriculum and beyond.
  • To build cultural capital and inspire children by developing a knowledge and appreciation of the contributions made by famous as well as familiar scientists (local scientist visits during our annual science week and visits to BGS) to encourage pupils to relate their scientific studies to applications and effects within the real world  
  • to develop creative thinking and curiosity. 
  • Provide a relevant, challenging and enjoyable Science Curriculum which is progressive in vocabulary, skills and knowledge
  • Provide opportunities for co-operative working. 

Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)

Our Curriculum Overview, found below, outlines the comprehensive coverage of Science across Key Stages 1 and 2, in accordance with the national curriculum and beyond. The overview also includes relevant details about EYFS. In addition, our EYFS curriculum identifies specific vocabulary, knowledge, and understanding to equip children for Science at Key Stage 1. Detailed information can be found in our EYFS planning documentation, accessible on the dedicated EYFS curriculum page of this website.

Curriculum Documentation 

See below in 'KPNS Science Curriculum Overview' for:

  • Page 4: Science Elements Document - Subject Lens and Second Order concepts of Science
  • Page 5-7: Whole school Science overview of units and Big Ideas
  • Page 8-14: Vocabulary and Subject Lens Progression
  • Page 15-19: Progression for WORKING SCIENTIFICALLY; Recording & Reporting
  • Page 20: National Curriculum coverage